Dynamics 365

Calendar Control: How to Toggle Between Calendar & Read Only Grid in Dynamics 365

calendar control
Posted by Heidi Neuhauser

We’ve talked before about how awesome the calendar control is in Dynamics 365. No matter how awesome something is, you’ll likely end up with a user who prefers to use the read-only grid instead of the calendar. If it happens to you, I have good news! You can teach your user to toggle from a calendar view to the read-only grid! Follow these simple steps below.

Switching Between Calendar & Read-Only Views When Calendar Control Has Been Enabled for an Entity or View

  1. In your Dynamics 365 system, navigate to your calendar view

    calendar control

  2. At the top, click the three ellipses on the right-hand side of the command bar and select Show As

    Calendar Control Toggle

  3. After clicking Show As above, select Read Only Grid

    Read only grid

  4. Now, the view will display a list instead of a Calendar!

If I’ve followed these steps and want to go back to a Calendar view, what do I do?

Good question with a simple answer! Repeat steps 1 and 2 above. Then, select Calendar Control when you get to step 3:

Calendar Control
Show As: Calendar

Need Help with Calendar Control?

If you need help working with the calendar control in Dynamics 365, feel free to email me at heidi@reenhanced.com!

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